boutique services
Milestone Renewal of Wedding Vows: 10 Years, 25 Years, 50 Years
Taking the time to renew your vows ten years into your partnership as an “official couple” is definitely worth it; as is celebrating a quarter of a century together. And 50 years! Well, THAT’s certainly a cause célèbre! I deliver a vow renewal ceremony that is all about the two of you based on your input about each other and the insights of your circle of family and friends; they provide invaluable contributions about what you have meant to them through the decades as individuals as well as a couple. If family members want to throw a Surprise Anniversary Party, that is an option that would not include the input of the couple…as that would tend to spoil the surprise!
Coming of Age Ceremonies
When girls begin their journey to womanhood, various cultures recognize this transition with Bat Mitzvah’s, Rumspringa, Quinceanera, Khatam Al Koran, Seijin-no-Hi, and Sunrise Ceremonies.
In America, many teenage girls’ parents throw them “Sweet 16” parties; however, these events are more about celebrating a brand new drivers license rather than being rooted in a tradition rich with the connection – that goes back millennia – between and amongst women. My “Coming of Age” Ceremonies brings together the girl who has started her menses, her mom, her “goddess mother”, grandmothers, aunts, trusted women friends, and a few friends of the guest of the honor (who have started menstruating). Within this trusted and loving circle, a red tent–like experience unfolds.
Someone you love has gotten up (at least five days a week, every month, year after year), gotten dressed, and headed out the door to work. Perhaps they made some career changes; maybe they started their own business. Whatever they did, they selflessly did it to help provide for the needs of their family. And now they can finally retire and embark on new adventures! It’s time for a personal and memorable tribute that recognizes the retiree’s contribution to his or her career as well as the contributions they have made to their family, friends, and community.
Circle of Life Celebration
We are born. We die. But there is so much living that happens in between. And so many people who mean so much to us whom we connect with during our life journey. Then why do we wait to tell those we love how much we appreciate them until it’s too late? Why not let them know while they are still living? You don’t have to wait for a milestone birthday. Perhaps you know someone who is elderly or someone who is experiencing a life-changing health challenge who deserves accolades and acclaim from those who know, love, and adore them. A Circle of Life celebration incorporates input, plaudits, and praise from friends and family in honor of a life that continues to be well lived…and will always be remembered!

You fell in love. You married. You thought happily-ever-after would ensue. It didn’t. So, do you continue to wallow in painful memories? Go through boxes of tissues as you sob your way through a myriad of maudlin movies for months on end? Stumble your way through interminable days and nights in a zombie-like state? OR…does “Stronger” become your anthem and you decide to take back YOU? If so, then it’s time to celebrate your resilience and courage. I can help you honor YOU by bringing together your friends and family members in an “encouragement feast” that will give you the support you need in order to “stand a little taller” and internalize the fact that “what doesn't kill you makes a fighter…footsteps even lighter…doesn't mean YOU’RE over 'cause they’re gone”!
Memorial Eulogies
I believe that the lives of the people you love should be honored and celebrated. But more often than not, family members are dealing with their grief, overwhelmed with funeral plans (even if arrangements have been in place for years) and the emotionally draining aftermath. They may want a non-religious meaningful and spiritual memorial celebration but don’t have the time themselves to put together a eulogy that truly reflects their loved one’s life. I can help write a eulogy and deliver it (as many people view public speaking as stressful), that is humorous, joyful, sentimental, and memorable…and truly honors the person whom you just lost.
Infant and Child Bereavement Commemorations
One of my friends suffered the loss of her infant; another friend, the loss of his ten year old child. Another, the death of her young adult son; another friend recently lost her teenage brother to heroin. Their pain and anguish was heart-rending. When a baby or child or young person dies, so much happens so quickly; so much of what is happening is overwhelming. While I can’t lessen the devastating life-altering circumstances that parents and/or siblings are struggling with, I can help ensure that the commemoration for their child/sibling/friend involves the support of their family and friends and is personal, spiritual, meaningful, and loving.